Monday, June 11, 2007

Early morning blues!

*Beep beep* *Beep beep*

Aah, there goes the alarm.. It's morning already?

But I'm sooo sleepy.. I wish I could sleep a little more..


10 mins later.. *Beep beep* *Beep beep*

10 mins up already? :O I don't believe it..I just snoozed it..
Just 10 mins more.. I don't need to wash my hair today so I can sleep a little more..
[This happens only on alternate days, since Confused soul washes her hair every second day these days, thanks to the weather.]

Snooze again..

10 mins later.. *Beep beep* *Beep beep*

Okay if I don't get up now, I won't have enough time for breakfast and I'll miss the shuttle bus, and I don't wanna be late for my internship..

The alarm is finally switched off completely and Confused Soul sits up on her bed for a while..and then gets out of bed to get ready..


soleil said...

Dragging ourselves out of bed... What's new? :p Maybe we should get one of those alarm clocks that goes and hides in some corner of your room so you actually have to get out of bed to find it to snooze it or switch it off. By then you're already out of bed ;)

Siddharth said...

I get up usually when Confused Soul is done with her day's work.. yest...

Confused Soul said...

Very true..I'll go look for one of those alarm clocks!

Haha..there's a two and a half hour time difference, don't forget that :P And only this week I finish by lunch time..won't be like that next week onwards :P

Archun said... know what? I've begun to hate the song thatz usually my alarm ringtone!! I guess I'll put one that I really hate next time so that I can hate it even more! omg!! That really sounds like I'm someone very evil..haha!!

Macho Girl said...

Haha. Its the story of our lives! :P :P Though now a days i dont wake up to my alarm. I wake up when clueless sends a "I'm on a bus" message. By the time she reaches campus, i am up and ready to start!!! Dont tell her! ;)

Anusha said...

Ha! Story of my life! :P I gotta get up at 7 everyday to get to university by 9.30, and it's such a royal pain. It doesn't help that I'm getting used to sleeping with the air-con on and a very smushy, comfy blanket pulled all the way to my head. Sigh.

Anusha said...

Ok, for the record, MG and I commented at the same time, so the "story of our lives" thing is NOT intentional! :P Great minds just think alike ;)

Confused Soul said...

Haha, that's not evil! I would have done it too..but unfortunately I don't really hate any songs.. or if I do, I definitely don't have it with me! :P

#MG and Clueless,
I was just wondering why both your comments looked so similar..great minds do think alike! And air-con and comfy blanket? *Sob*

Confused Soul said...

#MG and Clueless,
How exactly did you manage to comment at the same time? Don't tell me you guys tell each other and read other people's blogs!! Ok I know it's stupid but you guys are capable of doing it!! :D

Quarter Past Seven said...

hehe.. funny post.. we are two people in one room.. so u can imsgine how dramatic our getting up is :)