Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Me and poetry? May be!

I don't think I could ever write poetry, and I never will, but here are a couple of attempts at writing poems.. this was mannnnnny years ago, so don't except something that makes a lot of sense or something that was written after hours of thought!! In fact, I find them very stupid, and so I didn't get them published in my school magazine or anything of the sort. I thought I might as well put it here, before I forget that I actually wrote them or forget the lines of the poems altogether :)
I remember it was a day in June,
When it poured and poured and poured;
In fact, to such an extent,
That even the thunder roared!
Haha! This was written after it actually rained so hard one day in June, that the roads got flooded and the water reached the floor inside my house! The next poem I wrote [not exactly wrote, because both the poems were written in my mind.. :P] when I sitting on my dining table, looking at the garden outside.

The grass is so green,
The flowers are so bright,
The place is so clean,
Oh! What a wonderful sight!

I really don't know what to say next! I'll just leave it here for you guys to comment on them! :)
*Me and poetry? May be! Actually, may be not!*


Anusha said...

Hee, I like how you've coloured them accordingly ;)

You should try your hand at poetry sometime. You already do stuff like that all the time when we're out having fun, so why not give it a serious attempt? :)

Macho Girl said...

i had several attempts at poetry too!!! Check these lines out

"Whenever there is chicken on my plate,
I think it is the kitten's fate,
To get locked up in a room,
Which really makes me gloom"

When i was small, I wrote a long poem on a kitten that was there in my Grandparents' house that I totally fell in love with! But they used to lock it up in a room during meal times otherwise it wud jump on to the table! :P

I remember writing another one on my dentist and how i hated those visits. Maybe this time when i go back home, i'll try to dig up my old "poem" book and blog about it :D