Friday, April 13, 2007

How weird am I?

I thought I'd complete this tag after my exams, but after reading Macho girl's and Clueless's blogs about their weirdness, I can't really wait anymore! :P For rules about this tag, please read Soleil's blog :)
Here goes..
  1. I really love smelling erasers. The newer the eraser, the better. I pity my friends who sat next to me in class in school.
  2. My mind can come up with lame jokes that are so lame, that after a point.. you just don't know what to do with me. Lol. And I can laugh over nothing. I'm sure you've seen me 'high'. [And I'm sure you also know what my definition of high is! :)]
  3. This has happened to me twice in NUS - I got up in the middle of the night, opened my fridge, gulped down chilled milo, and went back to sleep. Ok if this is not weird enough, then here's something else that's weird about me.. I have a memory for random details. I can remember birthdays, any kinds of numbers and what people wore when! [Macho girl - you should've included this in your list too! And may be you could have written- what people ate when!]
  4. Whenever I write anything down, I can't stand it if my i's don't have the dot in the right place or if my l's don't have a proper curve. I either erase and write again, or do something so that it looks perfect. Even parentheses, if the open and close bracket are not curved in the same way, I don't like it. Lol. I know this is really weird. But I was a freak about this in school. But that didn't mean I took ages to complete my exam papers or they were untidy or anything. My note books and text books were the neatest in the class! :P One stray line anywhere and I would erase it. I also couldn't stand it if eraser dust got caught in the middle of the pages and went into the binding of the book such that I couldn't take it out. Now in university I don't seem to care much about any of these things.
  5. I can be very organised. I don't find it weird, but my not-organised-at-all-and-would-be-dangerous-if-organised type of friends do! The very fact that I delete my deleted items in my NUS mail everyday seems weird to them! And just like Clueless, all my folders on my comp have to be well marked, and basically, everything has to be prim and proper.
  6. I can't stand random strands of hair lying on the floor or washbasins or on the shower cubicle floor for that matter. I just can't.
I think the 80 is the right number in my case, isn't it? haha.. that's upto you to decide! :) And about tagging 6 friends, I'd love to see all my friends do this, so if you've read this or you are on my blogroll, go ahead and post - Tag, you're it!


Macho Girl said...

U like eraser smell eh? I like petrol, Kerosene, paint (preferably asian paint :P) and oh!!! Fresh morning's newspaper! I love the smell of newspaper!!! Ermm... there also... preferably the Hindu. Damn! I was struggling to find weird things to list about me in my post! Now after reading yours, I found like a million!!!! And i have no idea how i cud forget one of the weirdest things about me!!! My memory of crazy details!

Cool to see there are people as weird (or weirder) than me! :D

Quarter Past Seven said...

Haha.. I have done the fridge thing millions of times too... and have you ever tried smelling pages from an absolutely new or a really old book? :P

Confused Soul said...

#Macho girl and Bart Simpson,

I completely forgot about the kerosene, paint [asain, yes! My newly painted cluster stinks :P]and the smell of paper!! New clothes, new books, newspaper.. omg.. Even I forgot about this! Thanks for reminding me! :)

Anusha said...

OMG. #4 and #5 are so me. You and I are like soulmates in that regard. I have to keep my inbox free, I have to keep stuff sorted in proper folders - basically, I'm a neat freak. The difference between us, I guess, is that yours extends to your room and personal environment as well. If you've seen my room, you'll know that that doesn't apply for me ;)

But still, so great to know someone else shares my OCD! :D

soleil said...

Here goes:

1. This is weird. I like the feel of erasers under the paper covering cos it's smooth but smelling the erasers? Now that's weird :p

2. I find this to be more of an innate ability rather than something that one would find weird ;)

3. Drinking milo in the middle of the night is not weird. Neither is having a memory for random details. It just shows you have a good head on your shoulders haha.

4. Now this is a good example of what people call Neat Freak! LOL. I can be sort of a neat freak sometimes too. MG and Cookie Monster said that Clueless and I should be lab partners cos we were particular about the way the tables in the lab reports looked!

5. Another case of neat-freakism :p

6. Ok, this one is weird cos I too can't stand the hair but I don't have to clear them up there and then so yeah, yet another case of neat-freakism haha. This time it's with the hair!

Hope my weirdness evaluation of your weirdness meets your expectation ;)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

that eraser dust stuff getting into the binding of the books- was too damn funny! :)

Chcoswiss said...

lol! hey when u asked me n sid abt weird stuff, well we cud have nvr guessed all those on ur list except the one u pointed him out in indirectly..haha.. being organised nneta si weird enuf for idiots like us :p[sorry sid i took the liberty to call u idiot too along with myself]..
rem, u r ONLY 80% weird cos u saved all ur webcasts for After Venmai n not during :p
as for smellin me dats like sniffin glue u noe!!! out babe..under this facade of a goody innocent gal is a rebel lurking, juz waiting to come out :p