Saturday, September 16, 2006

The pwoer of the hmuan mnid

You msut have seen tihs vrey otfen, etiher in frowrads, or in nwesppaer actirles, etc. Aoccdring to a recrseah at Cmabgirde Uinervtisy, due to the pehnonemal pwoer of the hmuan mnid, it deos not matetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mess and you can sitll raed it wthiuot a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mind deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wohle. Aazming isn't it?? Wlel, I raelly fuond it aazming, and hncee diedecd to decidate tihs psot to it!!

So you see, I dno't raelly hvae a tpoic, I jsut wnat to wirte in tihs fshioan. So I geuss I wlil jsut hvae to keep balbbernig [ as I uusllay do! ] soemhintg or the ohter.

But typing for a long time with jumled letters can be tedious, and you also risk losing your spelling sense! That's why I am going to take a break. While we take a break, I want to talk about how certain words will make sense to us, even if certain letters are removed or the spellings are changed. As long as the word is pronounced the same way, we won't have a problem recognising it.For example, the fotografer tuk color fotos! So wat if he had no cloo about ausum locashuns? He stil managed to take sum exelent fotos. Some other words like rondaevoo and sycology cud be spelt just the way they are pronounced. [ U kno, I have a feeling, that by the end of dis post, both you and I wud have forgauten tradishinal english, and wud have eyther becum experts at sms-ing or invented a noo langwedge. ] [Hey! I realy lyk dis kynd of riting more dan the jmubled tihng :P ]

Ok that's enuff of a break already, let's get bak to the pwoer of the hmuan mnid! You konw, wehn you go to get yuor eeys tseted, smitoemes tehy ask you to raed from a bookelt, wehre the szie of the wrods is raelly samll. But scine the huamn mind is so pwoerufl, the eeys hvae jsut to galnce at the frist and lsat lteetr, and you'll know the wrod imediamtely. Eevn if you can't see the rset in the mddile porprely, it wno't meattr! Now taht isn't a vrey aruccate mthoed of eye tseting, is it??

Aaaah, I've had enuff of jmubled wrods, cundensed english and sms langwedge. I think I shud stop hear, befour I mayk u guys fourget your english, or make you confused souls instead!!! :)


Anusha said...

Me first!

Heh, what a post! I, too, found it quite amazing that people can actually manage to read that bit without any problems, but I, unlike you, don't have the patience to go around writing it myself!

Btw, have you read that forward about the Five Year Plan to change English so it's more accessible to everybody in the world? It's hilarious, and very similar to what you've posted. :)

Confused Soul said...

Yes, I've read it, and I got the idea from there only! :)

Priyanka said...

oh man! forwards galore... first macho girl now you! oh man! i dun very much like forwards! hehe kudos to your patience for this awesome post...

Macho Girl said...

what??????? Me not first to comment here???? :'(

Never mynd! I yam a regoolar visiter heere!!! Ok.. I suck at this type of english. Maybe u can gimme tutorials sumtime! :P

Hilarious post gurl! Long live funny forwards and boo to weird ones! :D

Anonymous said...

mhhhmm...u ogt em reaindg it gnain.. :P


soleil said...

Cool Post! I think we may all become confused souls if we continue trying to muddle up our words :p Maybe that's the reason why we used to misspell words when we were younger...

Anonymous said...

my god....amazing haaha.//nice work tho....a bit sore 2 de eyes tho...